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On May 19th, 2001, the naïve young Indian kid took a chance on a class with just 4 students on a Saturday afternoon. 23 years later, we celebrate the community born from a dream. A community that went on to be a part of dance history and the tapestry of dance in NYC.

You are invited to join our faculty for a very special evening. We will celebrate 23 years of PMT and our ability to make it through this difficult time together.

SUNDAY, MAY 19th, 2024

Starts at 7:30pm (after our last Spring Showcase!)


  • Live DJ!

  • Food & Open Wine Bar!

  • Step and Repeat 


$35.00 -  In Advance

$40.00 at the door

10% off for 6 months and 1 year members!


  • Via Venmo - Send payment to @pmtdancestudio with names and emails of those attending.

  • Via Phone - Call 212-924-5694

  • In Person - 7 days a week, 9a-9p. Option only available to those renting space or registered for a class.


  • All persons attending must be 18 and over.

  • 6 and 12 Month Members must have an active membership when attending the event in order to qualify for the discount.

It will be a special moment when we can cheers together and see our happy faces!

Email with any questions. 

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