Online Class Rates:
Donation Optional!
Thanks to the contributions toward our Pay It Forward Program, classes are now Donation Optional!
Recommended Donations: $5, $10 or $15.
Why We Need Your Support:
Arts Facilities, including dance studios, are not eligible for most of the Financial Assistance available to others.
Artists are finding it equally as hard to find help. Some of our artists are facing hardships finding food and a place to live.
Your donations support our artists, other students who are struggling and the business that houses all of this.
Assistance Eligibility:
Have you been deeply affected by COVID-19 and financial assistance to take classes?
Email with your story. Extenuating circumstances include job loss, family loss, etc.
A True NYC Dance Experience™
Celebrating 23 Years - 2001-2024

Jason Anthony Rodriguez is a born and raised New Yorker from Washington Heights. During his teenage years he had multiple experiences of vogue but didn’t begin his journey until 2011 taking a vogue workshop with the renowned Benny Ninja. Jason graduated from Purchase College in 2012. He also received his dance training from The Joffrey Ballet School, Martha Graham School and Complexions Contemporary Ballet Intensive.He has been seen as a featured voguer in Baz Luhrmann’s The Get Down and in Saturday Church produced by Damon Cardasis. He has taught vogue workshops in Miami, Vienna, Dominican Republic and Japan. Presently, he plays Lemar Abudance in the cast of Ryan Murphy’s new show Pose.
Slim Ninja's Teaching Schedule
Drop-In Class